Carrier Features

Helix offers you a host of features that will streamline your business and enhance customer service. Data entry will be significantly reduced and internet tracking means lower demand on your customer service staff.

Data Transfer

Helix offers 3 modes of data transfer from the web to your business:

Manual Review
alerts you when incoming bookings are received and allows you to review and accept the bookings.
Transfer to any in-house system that may be in use, for example, a DOS system.
Helix seamlessly integrates with our courier application.

Lodgment of Transactions

The system is able to handle batch lodgment of transactions. There are 2 modes that may be used:

Instant Lodgment
Whenever a transaction is entered, it is instantly transferred to the carrier.
Batch Lodgment
A number of transactions can be entered and the client can then request a pickup of all these transactions at the same time.
Web Bookings

PO Box 84
NSW 2567

P: 02 4889 9441
F: 02 4889 9442