Mobile App
Driver Runsheets
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Locate the Trapeez app in the app store used for your device and install it.
There are three ways a barcode can be captured:
Not using barcodes, or have to sign on paper? See Create Barcodes
Works on 1D and QR barcodes
After scanning the barcode the signature may be captured using 2 different methods:
Now the image can be used as proof of delivery for payment. Image sizes are dependent on the camera quality (roughly 200kb).
There are a number of different ways that you can receive your electronic POD:
If you don't have an application generating manifests or runsheets for you now you can still use our app.
There are 2 manual operations that are catered for:
Using a barcode on the runsheet/delivery docket is much more efficient and less error prone than having the driver type in a number. To create a barcode, you may use Trapeez runsheets or create your own barcodes.
Step 1: Download a barcode font onto your computer.
Step 2: Use Excel to create runsheets
Driver tracking, online document sharing & other additional features to be enabled later will incur separate charges.